Dr. Tazeau is a Licensed Psychologist (psy15554), and a Palo Alto University graduate (Ph.D., M.S.). She received her clinical training in behavioral sleep medicine at the Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic in the early 1990s. She provides Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi). Dr. Tazeau has been providing the Bay Area with clinical psychology services since 1998, and her office (www.DrTazeau.com) is located in Campbell, CA (Silicon Valley).
I am a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice who specializes in behavioral sleep medicine (BSM) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for anxiety and depression in adults. I am one of very few board-certified BSM specialists in the northeast, with less than 160 clinicians worldwide who hold this distinction.
Your bed should be a refuge, not a place where you struggle. Chronic insomnia can be treated, without drugs. So can chronic nightmares. You may not have been given the most effective treatment. We can change unhelpful brain-body habits so that getting in bed coincides with sleepiness and sleep. Chronic nightmares from trauma can be transformed and relieved with the right approach. These approaches usually take 3-10 sessions. Insurance: Aetna, CO Access Medicaid, Medicare (but only Aetna Medic ...
Samuel Kohlenberg, PhD is a Clinical Psychophysiologist, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Behavioral Health Educator in Denver, Co.
Telehealth Practice
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