Hess, Elaine
Dr. Elaine Hess is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Houston, TX. She specializes in treating sleep disorders, including insomnia, sleep disturbance and adherence to CPAP for obstructive sleep apnea. She is trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). She also treats individuals with comorbid medical conditions, such as cancer, neurological conditions and GI disorders.
Listing Details
Licensed Psychologist
Houston Health Psychology
6575 West Loop South
Suite 603
Telemedicine Services
Alabama: AL, Arizona: AZ, Arkansas: AR, Colorado: CO, Delaware: DE, Georgia: GA, Illinois: IL, Kentucky: KY, Maryland: MD, Minnesota: MN, Missouri: MO, Nebraska: NE, Nevada: NV, New Hampshire: NH, North Carolina: NC, Ohio: OH, Oklahoma: OK, Pennsylvania: PA, Tennessee: TN, Texas: TX, Utah: UT, Virginia: VA, West Virginia: WV