State (Abbreviation): WI

Dr. Blackburn specializes in the assessment and behavioral treatment of sleep disorders in both adults and children, including insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, non-compliance and claustrophobic responses to CPAP, hypersomnia and narcolepsy, and nightmares. He continues to train clinicians in providing these services, and has immediate openings for patients within his program.

Dr. Baardseth is a health psychologist who is board certified in behavioral sleep medicine (DBSM). He attended and completed a mini-fellowship in behavioral sleep medicine at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, and he has completed advanced behavioral sleep training from the University of Oxford. In addition to treating sleep, he also works with patients receiving oncology and palliative care services and teaches graduate courses in behavioral sleep medicine.

I provide behavioral sleep medicine services for parents, children, adolescents, and adults.