President's Blog - AUGUST 2017

Dear SBSM Members,

Summer is in full swing!  Before we get to “back-to-school” mode, I would like to provide some updates on SBSM activities this summer.  Summer is in full swing!  Before we get to “back-to-school” mode, I would like to provide some updates on SBSM activities this summer.

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is exploring potential opportunities to issue a call for applications focused on treating primary insomnia, which is seen as a key gap in their funding portfolio.  As part of the topic development, a teleconference workshop was recently conducted entitled, “Key Evidence Gaps in Insomnia Research: Can CER Help Answer Questions About Chronic Insomnia? A PCORI Stakeholder Workshop”.  I was invited to participate on the panel as a representative of the SBSM and we had a lively discussion on issues related to conducting comparative effectiveness research in insomnia with Drs. Dan Buysse, Charles Morin, Tom Roth, and Michael Twery.  You can view the archived webinar here:

SBSM members who are investigators might want to begin brainstorming ideas or discuss collaborations, should PCORI release a funding announcement in the near future.

The SBSM leadership continues to make progress towards the Certification in Behavioral Sleep Medicine.  We are establishing a credentialing committee to oversee the process and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors.  Dr. Don Townsend has graciously agreed to serve as Chair of this committee and Dr. Kenny Lichstein will serve as the Board Liaison to this committee.  Dr. Mike Schmitz will continue to be involved as the Executive Committee representative to maintain continuity with this process.

On occasion, I would like to use this blog to issue a “challenge” to the SBSM members.  This month, I would like to challenge SBSM members to engage in a conversation about hypersomnia.  Hypersomnia disorders, including narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia, have primarily been treated with medications by sleep specialists.  In contrast to insomnia and OSA management, this group of sleep disorders has received only limited attention from BSM clinicians and researchers - mostly, involving scheduled naps and regulating the nighttime sleep schedule.

I would like to challenge SBSM members to provide feedback on BSM and hypersomnia using the survey link below.

With warm regards,


Jason Ong, Ph.D.
SBSM President